Friday, July 23, 2010

Home Sweet Home

July 22 – Home sweet home

We are excited we will be home today. Really excited. It is a four hour flight. Our dear friends, Wei and Yee-Ping invited us to stop by Palo Alto for lunch which was gladly accepted. Wei brought flowers and cameras to welcome us. Thanks Wei and Yee-Ping.

As we departed the Palo Alto airport, the control tower radioed us and said, “ We were informed that you guys just finished your around the world trip. Congratulations on your achievement, and thank you for including us in your trip.”. What a gracious statement! We will appreciate and remember the remark forever.

Approaching Palo Alto.
With Yee-Ping and God-daughter, Jackie.
With Wei, Yee-Ping, Jackie, and God-son, Eric.

Home! In front of hanger at El Monte airport.
We are at El Monte!

Pushing the airplane back to the hanger.
Unloading three months of luggages.

Home, at last!

A Big Thank you!...

We want to thank each and everyone who has made this trip possible. The Air Journey Corporation who arranged the trip with class and professionalism that has exceed our expectations. Came through every time when difficulties and challenges seem overwhelming. With a smile and high spirits too. Thank you, Air Journey.

The group members who accompanied us for the past 80 days. We want to say also, “Thank you for including us in your trip.” You are gracious and patient with the slowest airplane. Many times, you gave us your hands when we needed help by standing by us when taking off, and taking loads from us when weight was critical. We learned so much from each one of you. Thank you all.

Our dear friends and family at Los Angeles, Hong Kong, Taipei Brunei, Cambodia, ….. Your encouragement and support made this trip even more special. With your blessing and good wishes, our hearts are filled with love and spirits all the time. There were not a moment in this trip we did not feel blessed and appreciative that we have your support. Thank you, thank you!

Special thanks to Fred who joined us from Singapore to Bali. You have represented all the XO friends with your trust and support which is dear to our hearts.

To Victoria and Jonathan. Thank you daughter for picking up the Camera for me and teaching me how to Blog. One more new skill acquired from this trip and enjoyed every minute of it. Jon, thank you for keeping the house clean when I come home. One of the best surprises.

We will see each other soon and catch up on all this. Until then, everyone, thank you for being with us. We love it and we love you.

Sincerely from Jeffrey and Renee



    We are so glad that you have returned safely from this epic journey. Now it's time to take a good rest. Later, I hope you will tell us all about it in person.

  2. Jeffrey and Renee, welcome home! I didn't follow your trip daily but spent some time this morning taking it all in at once. I must tell you, the blog reads, along with the many neat pictures, like a rich novel that I couldn't put down and enjoyed very much. My most immediate physical reaction is that it made me hungry seeing all the delicious dishes you had all over the world! I also found myself wanting to learn how to fly a plane until I got to later in the story - then i found myself getting very scared about what the next blog posting might say. Most importantly, your lively tale was a neat reminder to me of the important things in life - you two are both so fortunate and wise to make this once-in-a-lifetime trip happen! Kay and I look forward to hearing about the great stories in person sometime after you get some rest. By the way, while you were gone, we got engaged!

  3. Welcome home. Can't wait to hear your stories in person and see more pictures.

  4. Hello, Jeffrey and Renee, I am Dicky the student you subsidise once, forgive me can’t find this blog until now.
